A stroke is a sudden loss of function in the brain, usually caused by a blood vessel blockage or injury to the brain. It’s one of the most common causes of death and disability worldwide.A stroke is usually sudden and unexpected. It can happen at any age, but it most often occurs in people 55 years old and older. It can also strike people in their 20s or 30s but is more common with increasing age. The signs and symptoms of a stroke can vary greatly from person to person. They depend on which part of the brain is affected and how seriously it is damaged.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is the sudden interruption of blood supply to part of the brain. This often results in rapid and severe disability because the brain is unable to function without blood. It’s the third most common cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. It’s also the leading cause of long-term disability. There are different types of strokes:-Ischaemic stroke: This is the most common type of stroke, affecting an estimated 80% of all people who experience a stroke. It’s caused by a blood clot or blockage in the artery that supplies blood to the brain. The blockage disrupts the blood supply to the brain tissue and causes a stroke.-Atherothrombotic stroke: This is a rare type of stroke due to a sudden build-up of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. The disease process often starts with a small blood clot.-Embolic stroke: This is also a rare type of stroke, but is caused by the release of an embolus (a blood clot) into the bloodstream. Embolic strokes usually occur when blood clots that have formed in the deep veins of the legs break off and travel to the lungs. From there, they are carried to the brain and cause a stroke.-Moyamoya disease:-A rare type of stroke that primarily affects children and young adults.

Signs and symptoms of a stroke

There are several warning signs of a stroke that can help you decide if and when to seek emergency care. The most common signs and symptoms of a stroke are:-Sudden weakness or numbness in your face, arm or leg on one side of your body.-Loss of speech or trouble speaking.-Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.-Sudden trouble with walking, balance, or coordination.-Sudden confusion or difficulty understanding what people are saying to you.

Risk factors for stroke

There are a number of things that can increase your risk for having a stroke. The most important thing is to manage your risk factors and try to prevent a stroke. Risk factors can be modifiable (things you can change) such as smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes, or non-modifiable (things you can’t change) such as your age and family history. It’s important to know your risk factors so you can take action to lower them. A few of the more common risk factors are:-High blood pressure-Heart disease-Diabetes-High cholesterol-Being overweight or obese-Stroke in family-Smoking-Excessive alcohol use-Eating a lot of fried or processed food-Being sedentary

Types of stroke

There are three main types of strokes:Ischaemic - This is the most common type of stroke, affecting an estimated 80% of all people who experience a stroke. It’s caused by a blood clot or blockage in the artery that supplies blood to the brain. The blockage disrupts the blood supply to the brain tissue and causes a stroke.Atherothrombotic - This is a rare type of stroke due to a sudden build-up of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. The disease process often starts with a small blood clot. Embolic - This is also a rare type of stroke, but is caused by the release of an embolus (a blood clot) into the bloodstream. Embolic strokes usually occur when blood clots that have formed in the deep veins of the legs break off and travel to the lungs. From there, they are carried to the brain and cause a stroke.

How to help a person with stroke

There are a few things you can do to help a person who has had a stroke. The first thing to do is reassure the person that they didn’t cause the stroke and that everything will be okay. It’s important to remain calm while talking to the person and listening to what they have to say. Try to use simple, short sentences. Make sure the person is lying down and resting. You can help the person by removing their clothing if they’re having trouble moving their limbs or sitting up. You should also remove anything that might get in the way like jewellery or clothing that’s too tight. Some people with a stroke may need to be intubated (put on a breathing tube) and have other medical devices attached to them to help them breathe. Be sure to follow the instructions from the person’s health care provider.

Cane: A specialized walking stick that can help you with your walking while also providing support

A cane can be a helpful walking aid for people with walking difficulties due to hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body). A person with hemiparesis might have trouble balancing and holding on to a traditional cane, so a specialized walking cane has been designed specifically for this purpose. There are a few different kinds of specialized canes: -Ante-grade canes are for people who need assistance while falling forward -Retro-grade canes are for people who fall backward -Multi-directional canes can be used for any type of fall -Hand canes are for people who need help with their grip -Wing canes are for people with arm weakness.

Walking aid that provides balance and support for people with hemiparesis

A walker is a specialized walking aid that provides balance and support for people with hemiparesis. It’s helpful for people who have trouble balancing and need more support than a standard cane. There are two different types of walker: -Fixed walker -Movable walker -Fixed walker -A fixed walker is a four-legged walker that has a seat and a back. The seat is made of a large padded section with a back. The large seat provides support for the person’s upper body. The person sits in the middle of the seat while putting their arms on the sides. The walker is fixed and can be used by people who need help with their walking.-A movable walker is a three-legged walker that has a seat and a back. The person stands in the center of the seat while putting their arms on the sides. The walker is movable and can be used by people who need help with their walking.

Bottom line

A stroke is a serious and sudden health issue that can