In the event of an emergency, the first people to arrive on the scene might not be trained medical professionals. However, many individuals have some basic knowledge of first aid and can help those in need until more assistance is available. In fact, the American Red Cross recommends that everyone know how to provide initial care until emergency medical services arrive. In addition to saving lives, first aid can also reduce the risk of permanent injury or death. However, not all types of injuries or illnesses can be treated with first aid. Knowing the basics of what kinds of injuries or illnesses can be treated with first aid will help you determine if you should offer assistance in the event of an emergency. If you’re not sure what kinds of injuries or illnesses you should be prepared to treat, this blog post has some useful information that will help you decide what to do in any given emergency situation.

Cuts and Scrapes

Cuts and scrapes can be very dangerous in the event of an emergency, and should be treated immediately. If you’re not sure if the injury is serious enough to require medical attention, test the depth of the injury by pressing down on the wound. If it doesn’t cause a lot of pain, it’s unlikely to be life-threatening. If you’re not sure how to treat the injury, you should seek professional help immediately. If you’re treating the injury at home, it’s important to clean the wound with antibacterial soap and water before applying a bandage. You can also apply a small amount of a first-aid ointment to help prevent infection.

Shock and Loss of Breathing

If a person is suffering from shock or loss of breathing, you should apply pressure to the wound using sterile gauze or a cloth. It’s best to place the pressure directly on the wound, and avoid applying pressure to the person’s neck or chest. You should also avoid giving the person anything to eat or drink, or placing anything inside their mouth. If the person is still breathing, but there is no pulse, use an automatic external defibrillator to perform CPR until help arrives. If the person does not have a pulse, or isn’t breathing, they are in cardiac arrest. In this case, you should call 911 immediately.


If a person is suffering from a burn, the best way to treat them is to cool the wound with cool water. You can also cover the injury with a sterile bandage or gauze to reduce the amount of heat that’s transferred to the person’s body. It’s important to keep the person’s body covered to prevent further damage. You should also seek medical attention as soon as possible to prevent infections and other complications.

Stroke and Heart Attack

For a stroke or heart attack, the best thing to do is to get the person to a safe place as quickly as possible. This means getting them to a hospital, if possible. If you are at home, you should apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or blanket to slow blood flow to the injury. You can also apply a tourniquet to the injury to help slow blood flow. If you are at the scene of the emergency, you can try to get the person to a safe place by carrying them to another room, if possible. You should also try to get them to a safe place by putting pillows under their hips and head to help slow blood flow.

Animal and Human bites

If a person has been bitten by an animal, place the person in an upright position, or sit them up if they are lying down. If necessary, cover the wound with sterile gauze or a cloth. If the person has been bitten by an animal that is considered to be dangerous, such as a rattlesnake or a shark, you should seek professional medical assistance immediately. If the bite doesn’t cause a lot of pain, it’s unlikely to be serious.


There are many injuries and illnesses that can be treated with first aid before emergency medical treatment is available. If you are not sure if you should treat a wound, try to find out if the person has any allergies or medications they are taking. If you don’t know what to do in an emergency, it’s a good idea to take a first aid course. Not only will this help you to know what to do in an emergency, but it is also a great skill to have.