Elderly people can be frail and dependant on others for help with daily activities. In the event that an injury or illness requires first aid, it can be even more difficult for them to respond — and it’s important to know what to expect when assisting an older adult. An adult over the age of 70 is commonly referred to as an “elderly” person. Many people assume that an older adult’s body has been worn out after decades of hard work and is ready to give up. Nothing could be further from the truth. With the right assistance and precautions, an elderly person can live a full and active life for many years to come.

Ask for permission before assisting them

You should never assume that an adult wants help with a task simply because they’re frail and may need assistance. You should ask your elders if you can assist them with a task before doing so — even if it’s something as simple as helping them get out of bed.If an adult says “no” and attempts to complete a task on their own, don’t try to push them off. Instead, wait until they’ve had enough time to try and complete the task on their own. If they fail and need your help, then assist them without hesitation.

Wash with warm water

Washing an older adult’s hair can be difficult, but it’s an essential part of first aid for an older person. If an adult has dirty hair, they can make the situation worse by not washing it. This leaves them with a very unpleasant smell, so it’s important to wash the person’s hair with warm water — and not hot.Hot water can cause scalding, which can be particularly damaging to an older adult’s skin. It can also cause the hair to lose its strength and shine.Washing an older adult’s hair with warm water can also reduce the build-up of bacteria in the hair. This can help improve the overall health of the person and make them feel better.

Check their breathing

When dealing with an injury or illness, it’s important to check the person’s breathing. You can use the “six-six-six” method to help you detect if a person is breathing normally. Place two fingers on the side of their neck where their pulse is usually located and count to six. If you can feel a pulse, that means the person is breathing — but if you can’t, they’re likely not breathing.If you’re checking the person’s breathing and can’t feel a pulse, then you need to start artificial respiration. Place your hands on the person’s chest and push down with your palms. Keep your fingers about two inches apart to allow the person time to breathe in.

Apply pressure to a wound

If a person has a fresh wound or is in pain, you should first check to see if they have a pulse. If they don’t have a pulse, you’ll need to apply pressure to the wound. Place a clean, sterile gauze pad over the wound, and cover it with a bandage. It’s important to make sure the bandage is clean, dry, and sterile. You can apply pressure to a fresh wound in order to slow the bleeding and prevent the person from losing too much blood.If you’re helping an older adult with a fresh wound, you can gently clean the wound before applying pressure to it.

Change bandages and dressings

Washing an adult’s hair can be difficult, but it’s an essential part of first aid for an older person. If an adult has dirty hair, they can make the situation worse by not washing it. This leaves them with a very unpleasant smell, so it’s important to wash the person’s hair with warm water — and not hot.Hot water can cause scalding, which can be particularly damaging to an older adult’s skin. It can also cause the hair to lose its strength and shine.Washing an older adult’s hair with warm water can also reduce the build-up of bacteria in the hair. This can help improve the overall health of the person and make them feel better.If you’re bathing an older adult, make sure you use a warm water that’s no higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a thermometer to test the water before bathing the person.

Know when to call a professional

If you’re assisting an adult who is having a hard time with a task and you can’t get the job done, that’s okay. It’s important not to get frustrated if an adult isn’t able to complete a task themselves — even if it’s something as simple as washing their hair.As long as you’re trying your best to assist the person and they’re not in physical danger, there’s no need to call a professional. It’s better to assist an adult with their medical needs at home, rather than taking them to the emergency room.


As we get older, our bodies change and we need to take more precautions to stay safe. It’s important to know what to expect when assisting an older adult with a first aid emergency, and to know how to help them. It’s equally important to understand when you should seek professional assistance for an older adult.